Globalization, Social Justice and
Human Rights
Tasks for each group (2 persons in Lisbon with other two persons group elsewhere in the world)
1. Groups/subjects organization 2. Ning blog participation 3. Final project presentation
DO YOU WONDER HOW GLOBALIZATION AFFECTS YOUR LIFE? Are you concerned with issues of social justice? Do you wonder how to enhance the quality of life and human rights? Wonder how such things as child welfare and women’s rights, immigration and public policy, trade and economic institutions are related? Have you ever wanted to participate in a conversation that spans the globe, links you with students from such places as Moscow, Lisbon, Mexico, Australia, and the U.S. If these types of conversations, issues and educational challenges interest you then you are welcome to join us in our course entitled Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights. This course, featuring live chats and interactions, on line lectures and materials, will explore and allow you to understand the complex nature of our lives, and our global society. Come JOIN WITH STUDENTS FROM ARROUND THE GLOBE IN A UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURE. Hurry! Space is limited. História de África em 8 Volumes Global ward and merit of the class UNESCO Grant for a HR project produced in Lisbon studies on Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights "Right to Live and Play", on avoiding imposed mariages for girls in Guiné-Bissau, is the name of a social activism project designed by Abílio Aleluia Otaíro Có Júnior as student of our Lisbon course. He got 20000 dolars for one year to develop his ideas on the ground during 2013. Privacy Notice: Please respect the privacy of our partners on this website. Some members are human rights activists and, even while studying abroad, are under observation by their countries of origin. Some of their candid comments on our website about human rights abuses may put them at risk. It is critical that we help maintain their anonymity by keeping all discussions and materials on our website, and not reproducing any of the material to the external internet. Please do not copy any of the blog discussions, upcoming project reports, etc., to the web outside our space. Thank You! |
Curso multicultural Private Entry10th aniversary (2018), over 150 students enrolled from the following Partner institutions: Sarah Hernandez- New College of Florida, Sarasota, Florida, USA.Enzo Columbo, University of Milano, Milan Italy. Paula Butler, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Carol Pavlish, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA. Ksenia, Gerasimov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. António Pedro Dores , Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES/ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, PortugalRodney D. Coates, Miami University, USA Rodney Coates statements 2 pages paper about the experience of the course 2011/2012 Final Lesson 2013 Pedagogical VideosThe Moral Limits od the Markets(Class Day 2010 - Stanford University)47:49 Globalization and Inequalities(Centre for Global Development) 2:09 (Stanford Graduate School of Bisiness)34:56 Issues in Globalization: Environment Impacts and Sustainability:3´14´´
Internacional Revue of Human Rigths
A journal of Feminist Philosophy
Some of the Partners· Universidad Autonoma de Aquascalientes -Mexico · George Mason University USA · Kings College U.S.A. · Webster University U.S.A. · ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa · Washington University U.S.A. · Arizona State University U.S.A. · Hofstra University U.S.A. · University of Tampa U.S.A 0. Shane Hopkinson · CQ University Australia · NEW COLLEGE OF FLORIDA U.S.A. · Università degli studi di Milano via Conservatorio – Italy · Oklahoma State University U.S.A. · The State University - Higher School of Economics Russia · Miami University U.S.A. e? |