Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights         


Activities and evaluation


Milan course have 35 students.


To give foreigner students access to the platform, they must first register at the link:

Please, Lisbon students should register. The confirmation of their registration should be sent to Milan: a list of registered students (name and email). I'll send it to my central technicians who will procede with the permission.


Italian students will start to post their blog by Sunday 27 September and the timetable I give them for the Joint Project is as follow:

by Oct 1: organization of international groups (randomly, all groups with students from both Lisbon and Milan); students start to discuss the topic they want to develop

by Oct 15: Internatiuonal groups are finalized; groups reach decision on the topic for their project

by Oct 29: they finalise table of contents and distribute tasks

by Nov 19: they send a draft of their part to their peers in the group project and start internal feedback

by Dec 3: they send their final works


Each students will participate in a group work. From this work - or from other kind of work each student is free to choose - each student will write 5 to 10 pages (50%) and will write a single blog post (20%) and three comments to other coleagues posts (10% each). The first deliver dead line will be 3rd Dec. For those who did it, the teachers will return with the notes and, in case one wish to raise note, we accept new individual paper to substitute the 5-10 pages writing till the january, 9th. 


Optional methodological recommendations (versão em português)


We have only colleagues in  Milan, this year:

we will gather 2 students (1 from Lisbon + 1 from Milan),

Each group should present its final work by 4th Dec
Each students will participate in a group work. From this work - or from other kind of work each student is free to choose - each student will write 5 to 10 pages (50%) and will write a single blog post (20%) and three comments to other coleagues posts (10% each). The first deliver dead line will be 4th Dec. For those who did it, the teachers will return with the notes and, in case one wish to raise note, we accept new individual paper to substitute the 5-10 pages writing till the january, 10th. 


Optional methodological recommendations (versão em português)


Temas de estudo dos grupos, 2018

A peça maior da avaliação (50% do valor da avaliação) será um trabalho individual entre 2 mil e 2,5 mil palavras a entregar até dia  7 de janeiro. Esse trabalho poderá ser uma síntese das lições aprendidas durante a cadeira (uma demonstração do aproveitamento das leituras dos blogs, da participação nos trabalho de grupo, das leituras de textos da cadeira). Pode ter esta forma. Pode ser escrito em português.

Em alternativa, o trabalho individual pode ser o estudo e elaboração de uma proposta de projecto de intervenção social. Exemplo de o que é uma proposta de projecto - incluiu investigação de campo.

A outra metade da avaliação depende da participação. Participação no trabalho de grupo NING, na escrita de posts a respeito das leituras feitas, na escrita de comentários aos posts de outros estudantes.

Critério de avaliação:

Não se valorizam opiniões. Admite-se e recomenda-se que cada um assuma as suas opiniões. Isso pode clarificar tanto análises como propostas. Mas não há avaliação para melhores ou piores opiniões.

Valoriza-se referências bibliográficas de livros ou de artigos científicos. Sobretudo os indicados no programa e que venham a propósito do assunto tratado. Menos relevantes mas também importantes, valorizam-se notícias de revistas ou jornais ou websites.

Valoriza-se o esforço comparativo. Seja entre Portugal e os EUA como entre outros países e continentes, do ponto de vista cultural e de hábitos.

Valoriza-se também a intensidade da participação nos grupos e na discussão NING. Em particular o atempado e a pertinência dessas participações, tendo em conta os critérios anteriores.

1. Actividades de cada estudante:

1) Entrar e inscrever-se no grupo NING, seguindo o link

2) visitar o NING

3) escrever um ou mais posts sobre a matéria dada, trabalho que será avaliado pelos docentes e, eventualmente, premiado com a exposição aos outros colegas, sob a forma "features blog" do estudantes lisboetas.

4) comentário dos posts dos colegas, inscrito directamente através do NING

5) A group paper como trabalho colectivo do grupo internacional

2. Calendário de actividades dos grupos internacionais.

3. Visita de um convidado (Flávio Almada), a organizar



The students must organize themselves in groups in order to organize readings and discussions regarding both evaluation goals.

The class will integrate a broader international virtual class linked by information technologies through the adherent universities.

Learning and teaching activities include video conference attendance, after reading preparation. Discussion the content of the readings and the conferences with the local class.  Bringing local or global cases studies to present them in class and discuss them under the learned theoretical criteria.

Good example of good student´s final work

Evaluation- delivery till 06 January 2017

Evaluation work content

1. Participation on the international technological interactive process of working with other country students (see Syllabus)


2. Advocacy local project or assessment report on NGO activities

Conteúdo do trabalho de avaliação

1. Participação em grupo internacional interactivo segundo regras acordadas (ver Syllabus)


2. Projecto de intervenção ou relatório da avaliação de actividades de uma ONG

Time line 2016

October 1-7: Organize groups
October 19: Groups reach decision on the topic for their project
October 24: Finalize table of contents and distributed tasks
October 25 to November 18: Conduct research and develop initial writeups.
November 21: Each member submits their part to the whole group
November 21-28:  Give each other feedback and propose ways to make smooth transitions between the parts.
December 5: Submit final work.

Topics 2014

  •               What are the local challenges in human rights and how these link to the theories and issues we've read globally?

·         The State Members of the United Nations aim to appreciate the fundamental rights of all individuals. This is the right to a life without hunger, poverty, lack of knowledge, illness and terror. How do you assess current achievements in one of these fields and which further policy recommendations would you give for developing countries? Please, provide empirical evidence for your argument.

·         Social media and modern technologies, such as internet, help to promote and defend human rights. To which extent do you agree? Formulate and summarize your arguments.

·         What is the role of political institutions and human rights in promoting global justice? Please, refer to A. Sen’s ‘The idea of Justice’ and J.Rawls’ ‘The Law of Peoples’ while formulating your arguments.

·         Is there a link between a person’s gender and the globalization process? How do class, race/ethnicity, and gender interact to differently expose people to the globalization process?

·         How do age, class, and race/ethnicity differently affect the experience with the respect and abuse of a person’s human rights? 

·         The Declaration of Human Rights is not fully enforceable. Given this, should the push for the recognition of this declaration be pursued?

·         Using examples from the course, illustrate how a common individual’s decision in a developed and a developing nation can have global implications. 

·         What is the relationship between globalization and immigration? 

·         How do gender, class, and race/ethnicity interact to shape the immigrant experience in the global context?

·         Is there a link between a person’s gender and the globalization process?

·        How do class, race/ethnicity, and gender interact to differently expose     people to the globalization process?                                                       

·        How do age, class, and race/ethnicity differently affect the experience      with the respect and abuse of a person’s human rights?                          

·         The Declaration of Human Rights is not fully enforceable. Given this,       should the push for the recognition of this declaration be pursued?          

·        Using examples from the course, illustrate how a common individual’s     decision in a developed and a developing nation can have global              implications.                                                                                          

·         What is the relationship between globalization and immigration?             

·          How do gender, class, and race/ethnicity interact to shape the               immigrant experience in the global context?                                            

·       An important lesson from the readings involves the negative impact          globalization can have on the quality of life of millions of individuals.         What approaches can be taken to change in a more positive direction,    one that leads to improvement in the quality of life of these millions of       people?                                                                                                

·       What is the relationship between Social Justice, Human Rights, and         environmental sustainability?                                                                  

·       What is the relationship between Social Justice, Human Rights, and          culture? In your view, how is it possible to advance the global                 implementation of a viable human rights regime in a way appropriate with the respect of culture-specific differences?                                             

·         Are human rights universal or cultural-specific? How is possible to move beyond universalism and particularism as polarized alternatives?             

·         There might be a conflict between cultural respect and human rights?      Might the recognition of cultural difference hinder or water down             children or women’s rights? Discuss risks and the possibilities to prevent them.                                                                                                    

Versão Portuguesa


·         Quais são os desafios em Portugal no campo dos direitos humanos e como liga-los às teorias e problemas sobre os quais falamos nas aulas?

·         Os estados membros das Nações Unidas esperam poder respeitar os direitos fundamentais de todos os cidadãos. Incluindo o direito a viver sem fome, sem pobreza, com falta de acesso a conhecimentos, com doenças curáveis ou evitáveis e sem terror. Que avaliação se pode fazer da actual situação no mundo e que recomendações políticas se podem apresentar em Portugal (e nos países em vias de desenvolvimento)? Forneça dados sobre casos concretos.

·         A comunicação social e as novas tecnologias, como a internet, podem ajudar a promover os direitos humanos. Até que ponto concorda com a ideia? Arrume sintecticamente os argumentos pró e contra.

·         Qual é o papel das instituições políticas e os direitos humanos na promoção da justiça global? Por favor, refira-se a Amartya Sen (‘The idea of Justice’) e a John Rawls (‘The Law of Peoples’) na sua argumentação.

·         Há alguma relação entre o processo de globalização e o género das pessoas? De que forma a classe, a etnia e o género afectam a exposição das pessoas à globalização?

·         De que modo a idade, a classe e a etnia se relacionam com as experiências de violação dos direitos humano?

·         Nos EUA a Declara dos Direitos Humanos não tem força legal. Deve passar a tê-la?

·         Usando exemplos seus, diga como decisões de pessoas singulares em qualquer país podem ter implicações globais.

·         Qual é a relação entre globalização e imigração?

·         Como o género, classe e etnia fazem variar a experiência de migração no quadro global? 

·         De que modo a globalização pode ser usada para melhor a             qualidade de vida de milhões de pessoas?                                       

·         Haverá relações estreitas entre justiça social, direitos humanos e sustentatibilidade ambiental?                                                            

·         Haverá relações estreitas entre justiça social, direitos humanos e cultura? Que políticas globais de os direitos humanos são viáveis  para assegurar o respeito pela diversidade e especificidade           culturais?                                                                                            

·         Os direitos humanos são universais ou são próprios de uma           cultura específica? Será possível superar as polarizações               universalismo-particularismo?                                                          

·         Pode observer-se situações de conflito entre respeito cultural e     direitos humanos? Pode o reconhecimento das diferenças               culturais dificultar ou afundar os direitos humanos de mulheres e  crianças? Discuta riscos e possibilidades de prevenção desses       conflitos.                                                                                             

 Assignment schedule 2014:  

Week beginning


3 Oct

Groups assigned

20 Oct

First Question Answered

17 Nov.

Second Question Answered 

8 Dec.

Third Question Answered


Assignment schedule 2013:

Oct 7 - Student select topics from list

Oct 14- Groups are finalized by your Professor, if groups are not complete already

Oct 21- Topics are finalized by discussion within the group -- what to study and how the various schools / students will study it

Oct 28- Students outline, division of labor, students also identify literature informative for their research

Nov 4- Project design complete by the group -- at this point, everything should be prepared for realizing the project, i.e., the overall structure will be drafted, literature (al least preliminary) will be found, locations and concrete partners will be identified, etc. This marks the start of the fieldwork or research by students, if not already so.

Nov 18- Intermediate report on the project

Dec 2 - Final report on the project launched on the web and presented in the university class.

Topics 2013

a)    Immigration

b)    Indigenous rights/collective rights

c)    Disability/Ability

d)    Child welfare

e)    Poverty, hunger, homelessness

f)     Worker rights

g)    Women’s rights   

h)    Gender/sexual rights

i)     Racism (institutional and new form of racisms and their impact on social justice and human rights)

j)      Anti-racism policies

k)    Transformation of citizenship and human rights (tensions between national belonging and social justice; tensions between formal citizenship and access to welfare)

l)      Cultural difference and human rights (i.e. debate on veil in different contexts; tensions between support to cultural diversity and women rights; effect of multicultural backlash in different contexts; Redistribution and recognition policies and human rights).

m)   Human trafficking

n)    Sustainability at the local level (i.e., examine place-based initiatives and context specific challenges)

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