Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights
Bibliography by themesAlain Supiot (2005) Homo Juridicus – Essai sur la fonction anthropologique du Droit, Paris Seuil. Michael Khun (2016) How the Social Sciences Think about the World´s Social - outline of a critique, Stuttgart, ibidem.
Week 1: Defining Social Justice
Week 2: Defining Human Rights – the Universal Declaration of Indigenous People o Human Rights and Portugal Portuguese law, Portugal HR observed from Europe, Portugal HR observed from Brazil, “Direitos Humanos em Portugal criticados pelos EUA”) o HR and US § Official Position 2009 Defining Globalization § “When Did Globalization Begin” Week 3: Economic globalization
Week 4: Political globalization
Week 5: Political globalization continued – From the Left
Week 6: Globalization and natural resources § Mining, Corporate Social Responsibility and the "Community": The Case of Rio Tinto, Richards Bay Minerals and the Mbonambi P Kapelus - Journal of Business Ethics, 2002 – Springer § Globalization, Communities and Human Rights: Community-Based Property Rights and Prior Informed Consent Daniel Barstow Magraw and Lauren Baker - 35 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 413 2006-2007 Week 7: Globalization of communication Week 8: Human Rights and Women o A Reference guide to UN Documents § Countergeographics of Globalization: The Feminization of Survival Saskia Sassen Week 9: Dignity and worth of all humans o Women and Girls – by country o Modern Slavery (Most all of the Partner’s countries are listed here) Week 10: Children and human rights – Convention on the Human Rights of Children o “Child Labor and Globalization” E Dinopoulos, Journal of Labor Economics, Week 11: Workers, immigrants and human rights o “Globalization from Below” J Brecher, T Costello, B Smith - The Nation, 2000 - o “Human Rights through national borders” Sociology Without Borders (4) 2009:383-397 António Pedro Dores Week 12: Indigenous Rights o Universal Declaration of Indigenous Rights o Indigenous Peoples and Development Processes: New Terrains of Struggle Week 13: Environment o Entering the Century of Environment: A New Social Contract for Science Week 14: Sustainability and the Future of Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights o A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunity for All: Synopsis by World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization (Access Synopsis on right column, pdf file, 7 pages) o 'Just Sustainability': The Emerging Discourse of Environmental Justice in Britain? Julian Agyeman, Bob Evans The Geographical Journal, Vol. 170, No. 2, Environment and Development in the UK (Jun., 2004), pp. 155-164 (Note: JSTOR) Week 15: Presentation of Case Study/Service Learning Projects. Week 16: Final Examination - Final Blogs Due Other documents: Catherine Colard-Fabregoule, Christel Cournil (dir.) Changement environnementaux globaux et droits de l'Homme préfacé par Olivier de Schutter; éditions Bruylant, 2012.